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If you are wanting to add the warm touch of a wood-fire stove, this is the page for you.

The RSF6 Insulated Flue Kit

The RSF6 Insulated Flue Kit from Pivot Stoves is our recommendation when it comes to installing your wood-fire heater. We have designed our chimney port around the RSF6’s design, to ensure that our King Domes are Australian Standards compliant.

We allow wood-fire heaters inside our 6m King Domes and up. All of our sizes will use this flue kit, regardless of size. The only thing you will be changing is the length of the flue kit itself.

The number 6 in RSF6 refers to its dimaeter in inches (which is 6). This is a standard size for most wood-fire heaters.

Wood-fire heaters

When it comes to wood-fire heaters, we don’t want to limit our clients’ imagination for the vision of their King Dome interior style. Our partners over at Pivot Stoves has quite the selection of wood-fire heaters that serve different purposes, have different styles and can even cook food for you.

Feel free to go to their website to check them out. Pivot Stoves has distributors all around Australia/NZ, so feel free to click the link below to see if there is a showroom near you.

Easy/Quick Installation

The RSF6 Insulated Flue kit is super easy to install. With its straight-forward twist lock system (like a glass jar/lid basically) and locking band (a clamp like mechanism) that locks the joins between 2 flue lengths together, this system is an absolute breeze to install.

It has conveinent full and half length flues to ensure minimal headaches when trying to install through our chimney port plate.

heating a glamping dome

Quick Facts

Some quick facts to help you decide

  1. Saves up to 8% in heat loss compared to conventional flues.
  2. up to 90% quieter than other flues.
  3. up to 20% longer burn time.
  4. no leaking or rattling.
  5. last longer thanks to stainless steel.
  6. 7 year warranty from the manufacturer.
  7. BAL-40 and BAL-FZ rated
heating a glamping dome

What you will need:


  1. 3x 1m lengths of RSF6 Flue
  2. 1x 1/2m length of RSF6 Flue


  1. 4x 1m lengths of RSF6 Flue
  2. 1x 1/2m length of RSF6 Flue


  1. 5x 1m lengths of RSF6 Flue


  1. RSF, Wind Cowl
  2. For higher wind areas or as an extra precaution, we’d recommend a Roof Bracing Kit
heating a glamping dome


We definitely recommend the flue kit from Pivot Stoves as we have designed our chimney port plate around it. 

When it comes to a wood-fire heater though, you can source from anywhere really. The only requirements that we have:

  1. The exit port on the wood-fire heater should be 6inch (this is a pretty standard size)
  2. The rear heat of the wood-fire heater should be less than:
  • 600mm on the 7-10m King Dome
  • 450mm on the 6m King Dome Range.

Please note that these numbers are just guidelines as some wood-fire heaters may position their flues in different sections of their stoves.

Please note that, though the floorspace measurement may be quite small compared to houses, the roof height needs to be considered when viewing floor heating space.

There are heat shields that you can place in between the wood-fire heater and your King Dome to ensure it is safe in the event that the heater you bought exceeds the rear heat distance.

The flue lengths that we have given above are to ensure that:

  1. Aussie standards are met.
  2. Wind doesn’t blow smoke back into the dome cover and slowly stain it.

the rule of thumb with these flue kits are that they can go 3m of flue lengths unassisted (whether from the wood-fire heater, the chimney port plate or to the Wind Cowl). In ultra-high winds, we’d recommend bracing from 2-2.5m.

As with everything, we always recommend a professional installer for the flue system and heater. That being said though, if you do decide to do it your own, just remember to take it easy, make sure you are safe when working at heights (the Wind Cowl on a 10m will be roughly 6m tall at its peak), and work in pairs.

heating a glamping dome