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Whether you are a tradie, a YouTube builder or a rookie to the building scene, anyone can have a go at some, most, if not all of a King Dome project. On this page, we have compiled a list of useful resources to help you build your new King Dome.

Got what it takes to build your own King Dome project?

Build Your King Dome

You got this, we believe in you

DIY the Whole Project

See what it takes to DIY build your new project

Need help finding the right services and accessories for your project?



To help you plan and build your King Dome Project, we are constantly looking out for high-quality companies who offer products/services that compliment our King Domes. You will find a list of our current partners on this page including for wood-fire heaters, modular bathrooms, off-grid waste systems and dehumidifyers.

Check out our YouTube Videos

How To:

Check out our range of How To videos

Check out our Channel

whether for inspiration or just to see how we’re travelling

Master the Fine Art of Glampreneurship!

Before you ride off into the glamping sunset, wouldn’t you like a treasure map—or three—for your journey? We’ve got the golden nuggets to make you the Sultan of Glampistan, the Queen of Eco-Luxe, or the Emperor of Domeville! (Titles pending, but you get the idea!)

Snag These Freemium Docs:

building a glamping tent
  • ‘Glamping 101: 10 Pro Tips to Build Your Dream Glamping Business’ E-Book

  • ‘Stages of a King Dome Build’ E-Book

  • And other essential loot that’ll be your compass in the glamping wilderness!

Start your King Dome Journey Here 🙂

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