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Wanting to build your own dome home but not too sure whether to go with a deck or concrete slab? Let me break it down a bit for you!

The foundations will depend on the look you would like to go with. Typically people go with a timber decking as it looks more pleasing to the eye, whereas the concrete slab is not as pretty but easier to build on.

There are many factors to consider when choosing a deck or slab:

  • What is the ground quality like?
  • How far do you have to dig down to hit solid ground?
  • What is the gradient/condition of the ground?
  • Will you have to excavate the area to find solid ground/create a level pad?
  • Will you have to bring in materials to build up the area?
  • Flow of water/adequate drainage?
  • Do you want to be able to relocate the structure in the future?
  • How hard is it to get materials/trucks to the site?
  • Do you have concrete makers nearby willing to service your property?
  • Would you be able to do some, if not all the work yourself?

Timber Decking

The decking you build will depend on the materials and the type of wood used to build with. Obviously hardwood would be the way to go, though it is pricey, the outcome is just amazing.

A decking would really add to your dome, especially if you are adding an outdoor area including an outdoor kitchen/BBQ, spa, bath, shower, and/or seating area covered by a pergola. This will give you the space to let your creative mind run wild! To attach services to these add ons will be a lot easier to do, even after the decking has been built.


  • Easier to build on with uneven ground
  • Visually pleasing
  • Can build your dome off the ground
  • A lot easier to connect services after the decking is laid


  • More expensive
  • Not bug and weather proof
  • Maintenance
Deck or Concrete Slab, Deck or concrete slab

Concrete Slab

A slab will be the cheap and cheerful option to build your dome on ! Obviously being made from concrete you won’t have issues with termites or rotting over time.

Though laying down a slab is cheaper, having to put your services in after will be way more expensive and a giant pain in the bum. Make sure before you lay your slab that you have designed the interior of your dome/s and figured out where you want your bathroom and kitchen services. Have them installed FIRST then lay your slab.

Price comparison for decking and slab please note these are just rough guidelines)

The price range for a decking you will be looking at roughly $20,000 – $50,000 depending on materials used and whether or not you’re getting a professional in to do it.

To put a slab you’ll be looking around $10,000 – $20,000 depending on the location you’re building your slab on. For this price range you can build your slab for one of our 10 metre King Domes.


  • Much cheaper
  • Easier to build on
  • Weather and bug proof


  • More permanent
  • Not as pleasing to the eye
  • All services need to be connected prior
Deck or Concrete Slab, Deck or concrete slab


Regarding council for both foundations, just double check with your local council about the rules and regulations as there are many factors that you have to take into consideration.


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